Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop
Posted on September 09, 2016 by Jessica MeekerHearn & Fleener is happy to announce that Danielle Holley – Client Relations Director, and Jessica Meeker – Community Relations Director, are now Community Associations Institute (CAI) Educated Business Partners.
Danielle and Jessica jumped on the opportunity to learn more about the industry and took the Business Partner Essentials course. The Business Partner Education is a two-part, online course that helps CAI-member product and service providers better understand CAI, community associations and the industry at large. Individuals who pass the course and maintain CAI membership earn the CAI Educated Business Partner distinction, gaining special recognition among thousands of companies and professionals who support common-interest communities.
We are so happy to have them both as designated Educated Business Partners. If you have questions about potential construction defects that may be impacting your community, you can contact Danielle or Jessica and they will guide you through the free investigative process. Learn more about CAI’s Education Business Partner distinction today.