Mike Hearn Law Week Colorado’s 2016 People’s Choice Winner
Posted on September 05, 2016 by Jessica MeekerSeptember 5, 2016
Law Week Colorado released their survey results for Barrister’s Best and our very own Mike Hearn has been named Law Week Colorado’s People’s Choice for Best Construction Defect Attorney for Plaintiffs among many other top lawyers in the state of Colorado.
Mike has specialized in construction defect and property damage litigation for over three decades. He has represented over 300 homeowners associations, over 100 single-family homeowners, as well as apartments, commercial buildings, and hi-rises. With his extensive experience and dedication in this field of work, he strives to make better communities and protect them from the shoddy workmanship that leads to expensive and dangerous conditions. WAY TO GO, Mike!
If you suspect your home, community, apartment, or property is experiencing construction defects, contact the People’s Choice Winner Mike Hearn at Hearn & Fleener! We will always provide free and confidential evaluations of potential claims.
Law Week Colorado is the state’s only newspaper published specifically for lawyers, law firms, corporate counsel and the judiciary. Law Week is written and edited by award-winning journalists and lawyers who have credibility in the legal marketplace.