Service Day 2016: Keeping Colorado Springs Beautiful Trail CleanUp
Posted on August 22, 2016 by Jessica MeekerGiving back is important to everyone. We give back to feel like we are making a positive impact on the community we all live in and love. Hearn & Fleener participated in Community Association Institute – Southern Colorado Chapter’s (CAI SOCO) Service Day on August 18th. The service day was beyond impactful! We got to clean up the trails in Colorado Springs with the Keep Colorado Springs Beautiful staff.
We cleaned up the trail along the river that runs under Academy BLVD. “The great thing about being able to participate in a service day is being able to see the actual impact we are having on the community we all serve and live in.” – Jessica Meeker, Community Relations Director, HF. After covering almost a mile of the trail, we collected over 20 bags of trash with the help of 6 people.
If you are interested in learning more check out CAI SOCO and Keep Colorado Springs Beautiful.